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Humans have been building statues for centuries, and the world’s tallest statues are some of the most impressive structures on Earth. These towering figures represent various cultures and religions and serve as a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of humankind.

In this article, we aim to explore some of the world’s tallest statues, highlighting their rich history and cultural significance. We will additionally observe how these structures continue to surprise and inspire people everywhere.

Tallest Statues

Top 10 Tallest Statues In The World 2024

Rank Name Height Location
1 Statue Of unity 597 feet India
2 Spring Temple Buddha 420 feet China
3 Laykyun Sekkya 381 feet Maynmer
4 Ushiku Daibutsu 330 feet Japan
5 Sendai Daikannon 330 feet Japan
6 Qianshou Qianyan Guanyin 325 feet China
7 Great Buddha of Thailand 302 feet Thailand
8 Hokkaido Kannon 289 feet Japan
9 Motherland Calls 279 feet Russia
10 Awaji Kannon 260 feet Japan

1. Statue of Unity

Statue of unity is the tallest statue in the world

  • Height: 182 meters (597 feet)
  • Location: Gujarat, India

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, a significant figure in India’s struggle for independence, is honored in the Statue of Unity, a sizable statue. The highest statue in the world is in Gujarat, an Indian state. Prime Minister Modi opened the statue on Patel’s birthday in 2018.

2. Spring Temple Buddha

2nd tallest statue in the world

  • Height: Statue: 128 meters (420 feet)
  • Location: Henan, China

Vairocana Buddha is a massive statue that is the second-highest statue in the world, located in the Spring Temple. It is located in China, and it took 11 years to build. A hill had to be modified to create a way for the statue because of how large it is. The project cost $55 million, with $18 million spent on the statue.

3. Laykyun Sekkya

3rd tallest statue in the world

  • Height: 116 meters (381 feet)
  • Location: Monywa, Myanmar

The Laykyun Sekkya statue, a towering golden statue of Gautama Buddha, is one of the tallest statues in the world. It stands on a 13.5-meter throne and took 12 years to build, completed in February 2008. Every detail of the statue and its surroundings has been carefully crafted.

4. Ushiku Daibutsu

Fourth tallest statue in the world

  • Height: statue: 100 meters (330 feet)
  • Location: Ushiku, Ibaraki, Japan

The Ushiku Daibutsu statue is a bronze statue of Amitabha Buddha that was built in Japan in 1993. It is one of the tallest statues in the world, standing at 120 meters tall, and is located on a lotus platform. A monument was built to commemorate the birth of Shinran, who founded the Jodo Shinshu school of Buddhism.

5. Sendai Daikannon

Fifth tallest statue in the world

  • Height: statue: 100 meters (330 feet)
  • Location: Sendai, Japan

In Japan, there is a huge statue of the goddess Kannon called Sendai Daikannon. It is the biggest statue of a goddess in Japan and one of the tallest statues in the entire globe. An elevator takes visitors to the top of the statue, where they can enjoy city views and learn about the Bodhisattva Kannon from Shingon Buddhism.

You can also read about 10 Tallest Towers in the world.

6. Qianshou Qianyan Guanyin Of Weishan

6th worlds tallest statue

  • Height: statue: 99 meters (325 feet)
  • Location: Hunan, China

The gilt bronze statue of a bodhisattva known as the Qianshou Qianyan Guanyin of Weishan represents the compassion of all Buddhas. It is the fourth-tallest statue in China and the sixth-tallest in the globe. The statue was completed in 2009 for 260 million Yuan, funded by the Ningshan County Government.

7. Great Buddha Of Thailand

tallest statue in thailand

  • Height: statue: 92 meters (302 feet)
  • Location: Ang Thong, Thailand

The Great Buddha of Thailand, also known as the Big Buddha, is the tallest statue in Thailand, the second-tallest in Southeast Asia, and the seventh-tallest in the world. It was built on the orders of Phra Kru Vibul Arjarakhun, the first abbot of Wat Muang Temple, and funded by donations from devout Buddhists.

8. Hokkaido Kannon

8 tallest statue in the world

  • Height: statue: 88 meters (289 feet)
  • Location: Hokkaido, Japan

The Hokkaido Kannon, also known as the Dai Kannon of Kita no Miyako Park, is the third tallest statue in Japan and one of the 10 tallest statues in the world. Construction of the statue began in 1975 and was completed in 1989. The statue has over 20 floors with an elevator, and most contain shrines and places of worship.

9. Motherland Calls

9 tallest statue in the world

  • Height: statue: 85 meters (279 feet)
  • Location: Mamayev Kurgan, Russia

The Motherland Calls is the tallest statue of a woman in the world and one of the top 10 tallest statues overall. It symbolizes the Motherland urging her children to fight the enemy and continue their attack. The statue is very complex to engineer due to its unique design, with a sword raised high in the right hand and the left hand extended in a calling gesture.

10. Awaji Kannon

10 tallest statue in the world

  • Height: statue: 80 meters (260 feet)
  • Location: Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan

The Awaji Kannon, also known as the World Peace Giant Kannon, is a giant statue of the Buddhist goddess Kannon on Awaji Island, Japan. The statue is part of an abandoned building complex that once included a museum and a temple. The statue is positioned on a 5-story pedestal building that is 66 feet tall.

What Is The Tallest Statue In Africa?

tallest statue in africa

The African Renaissance Monument is the tallest statue in Africa, located in Dakar, Senegal. It is a 52-meter bronze statue of a family of three, representing Senegal’s hopes and aspirations for the future. The statue was designed by Senegalese architect Pierre Goudiaby and built by the North Korean company Mansudae Overseas Projects.

What Are The Tallest Statues In The US?

tallest statues in the us

The Statue of Liberty is the tallest statue in the United States, standing at a height of 151 feet. It is made of copper and is located on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. The statue was given to the United States by France in 1886 and is a symbol of freedom and democracy. Here are the top 5 tallest statues in the United States of America:

  • Statue of Liberty – 151 ft
  • Pegasus And Dragon – 110 ft
  • Our Lady Of The Rockies – 88.6 ft
  • Metaphor: The Tree Of Utah – 87 ft
  • Golden Driller – 75ft

Facts About The Tallest Statues In The World

  • The Statue of Unity is so tall that it can be seen from over 20 miles away.
  • The Spring Temple Buddha is the tallest statue in the world made of bronze.
  • The Laykyun Sekkya statue is the tallest statue in the world made of concrete.
  • The Ushiku Daibutsu statue has an elevator that can take visitors to the top of the statue in just 40 seconds.
  • The Sendai Daikannon statue has a museum that tells the story of the Bodhisattva Kannon.

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The tallest statues in the world are marvels of engineering and craftsmanship. They are also important cultural and religious symbols. These statues inspire and amaze people from all over the world.
While some challenges are associated with building and maintaining tall statues, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Tall statues can help to boost the local economy, serve as important cultural and religious symbols, and be a source of national pride.

If you want read more about Top 10 Tallest Towers / Top 5 Tallest Radio towers and many more articles kindly click at Tallestly.


What is the tallest statue in the world?

The Statue of Unity in India is 182 meters tall.

What are the advantages of building tall statues?

Tourist attraction, cultural and religious significance, and source of national pride.

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